Paralegal Services ( General)
We provide professional reliable and affordable paralegal services to individuals as well as organisations.
Drafting legal documents:
- Particulars of claim
- Witness statement
- Position statement
- Child arrangement agreements
- Pre-nuptial agreement
- Post nuptial agreement
- Cohabiting agreement
- Letter before action
- Legal letter (general)
- Sponsorship declaration
- Power of attorney
- Change of Name by Deed Pole etc
Other Paralegal Tasks:
- Conducting research and report writing
- Respond to emails
- Proofreading documents
- Managing case files
- Deal with client communications
- Preparing exhibits
- Prepare and compile legal documents such as court / trial bundles.
- Completing forms etc online or paper form.
Family Law (Experts in Helping Litigants In Person)
Family Law Area Covered: Divorce, Financial Proceedings, Children’s Matters, Non Molestation/ Occupation and other related family law matters.
What is Litigant in Person (LiP)? Anyone involved in a court case in England & Wales is entitled to represent themselves without instructing a solicitor or barrister to act for them. Often the price in instructing a solicitor or a barrister puts the options of hiring one, out of reach. In that case, if you are representing yourself, you are a ‘Litigant in Person’.
How we help Litigants in Person: Firstly, free initial consultation and provide free online and self-help resources, ensuring that a litigant in person know how to access them. After exploring other options if a LiP decides to hire us, we provide the following affordable legal assistance:
- We can conduct individual one-off tasks such as fix fee document drafting see our paralegal services;
- Assigned paralegal work for example; research or put together trial/ court bundle;
- Full Litigant in Person (LiP) support (ask for details);
- Train Litigants ( LiP) on how to conduct their court hearings themselves.
- Provide assistance in court hearing as a McKenzie friend;
Are we solicitors or regulated by the SRA? No, we are not solicitors or regulated by the SRA. We are legally trained and educated to perform legal tasks and can virtually do everything a solicitor can do except activities that are referred to as reserved. However, as experienced paralegals our fees are substantially cheaper but we do not comprise the quality of our services.
Can we represent clients in Court? Not as a solicitor or barrister but we can as a McKenzie friend. See more details under section McKenzie friend. We can, also appoint reputable direct access barristers whom we work with to represent clients in court.
Why you should hire us? We have experience, qualification, and dedication to provide vital legal help and support with all your family matters. Our aim is to give our clients the finest service for the most reasonable price that we can. We don’t see our clients as a number but see all our clients as our number one priority and as such we strive to handle your case with core values of compassion and professionalism. ‘We are here to help make the law work for you’
Other Resources Litigants in Person should explore before contacting us. Please visit for a range of resources for litigants in person, which is worth exploring before contacting us. A litigant in person (LiP) may be able to obtain legal help without charge from an advice centre, Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB), law centre or pro bono legal organisation. For more information search : Other resources:
McKenzie Friend (Court Assistance)
If you are a Litigant in Person you can conduct your own case without the need of a solicitor or a barrister, including representing yourself in court hearings. However, for most people this is a complex and a daunting task and support from someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in the court process is always helpful, such as a McKenzie Friend. A McKenzie Friend is someone who provides support and assistance in court to people who are facing legal issues and are litigants in person (LiP). That support can be obtained from a fee paying ‘McKenzie Friend’ who can, not only accompany clients in court but also guide through court process. This, ultimately, keeps costs low but gives the valuable legal help and support when it’s needed the most. As a McKenzie Friend we are not entitled to address the courts unless the judge grants a McKenzie Friend what is termed “rights of audience” in a particular case. Only then a McKenzie Friend be allowed to address the court and conduct litigant’s case for them.
As McKenzie Friends, we can support with:
- Preparing case papers as highlighted under our paralegal services, i.e research, draft and compile court / trial bundle etc
- Quietly giving advice in court or by text in remote hearings:
- Points of law or procedure;
- Issues that the litigant may wish to raise in court;
- Questions the litigant may wish to ask witnesses.
- Providing moral support
- Taking notes
- We can also conduct litigants full case IF the judge grants us “rights of audience” as we have done on number of occasions. However, it depends on the judge and the circumstances on the day of the hearing.
‘We don’t just provide guidance as a McKenzie Friend but passionately guide our clients to succeed in their court hearings’
More About McKenzie Friends. The name McKenzie friends derives from a legal case from 1970 McKenzie v McKenzie. This was a divorce case where the husband Mr. McKenzie’s solicitors sent someone to court on his behalf for free, as he could not continue to afford them. The solicitors sent someone called Mr Hangar, who was not authorised to practise as a lawyer in England even though he was a qualified barrister in Australia. The court refused to allow Mr Hangar to support Mr McKenzie in court. Mr McKenzie’s case went badly as a result but he appealed to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal held that the judge at the lower court had been wrong: Mr McKenzie should have been permitted to have this assistance in court, and a re-trial was ordered. Hence the name McKenzie Friend.
In a report about fee paid McKenzie Friends in 2014, the Legal Services Consumer Panel said: “1.7. McKenzie Friends can principally benefit consumers by improving access to justice and enabling greater equality of arms, especially when the other side is represented. For many litigants in person, the real choice is actually between using a McKenzie Friend or being entirely unsupported – lawyers are beyond their means and free support is not universally available. Family law clients, in particular, may not litigate out of choice, but are forced by circumstances to fight over hugely important matters, at a time of great emotional stress, in an environment that is unfamiliar and daunting to them.’ Further stating ‘1.8. These benefits are being increasingly recognised by judges and lawyers, as they see that cases tend to progress more smoothly when McKenzie Friends can assist the court by encouraging litigants to separate emotion from the facts, facilitate cooperation with court processes and other parties, help with case papers and so on. At a time when the court system is under strain, this is an important public interest benefit.’
Click here for more: Guidance from the President’s Office- McKenzie
Email: /M: 07990 304632
Importance of making a Will? Many people put off making a Will, thinking that their loved ones will do so automatically, or because they don’t think it is important enough and delay it as a result. However, the reality is that making a Will can be put off until it is too late, and this can cause all sorts of problems for the people left behind. This could mean that some or all of the inheritance either goes to the wrong person or even to the state.
What it Means to make a Will: Most importantly it gives a sense of peace. It enables you to plan exactly what will happen to your assets (properties, monies and any other items you consider to be valuable or important) following your death. Making a Will ensures that those you would like to benefit do so as your wishes. Also making a Will avoids any possible disputes between relatives. Who should make a Will? Everyone, especially anyone who owns properties or has assets which you would wish relatives, friends or even charities to benefit from. In particular with dependant children under the age of 18, elderly relatives or loved ones with special needs.
What happens if I don’t have a Will?This is called dying Intestate. There are specific rules of intestacy which sets out who will inherit and by how much if you do not leave a valid Will. This may not be your wishes and in the worst case scenarios where family members cannot be traced after your death, your assets will be taken by the Crown or the State.
Talk to us about making your will:
Tel: 07990 304632 /
Employment Related
Special Category- Bangladesh Lands/ Assets Related
I, Aklima Bibi have vast experience in dealing with land/assets issues in Bangladesh. I speak, read and write Bangla and well experienced in all aspects of these issues and how to deal with them, where necessary legally via our lawyers based in Bangladesh. Together with my team of honest and trustworthy professionals, I helped number of British Bangladeshi clients from Sylhet to re-gain lands and assets which were illegally taken from them, while they resided in the UK. I also helped clients obtain title deeds & valuation of their /spouse’s assets which were otherwise impossible to obtain for matrimonial / financial proceedings in the Family Courts in the UK. My experience and expertise in dealing with Bangladesh land/ assets issues had been provided through Sky Channel – Channel S.

We provide the following services, especially lands / assets situated in Sylhet:
- Drafting Power of Attorney (POA) in accordance to the POA Act 2000;
- Guiding you step by step on how to get POA endorsed by the Bangladesh High Commission;
- Registering POA with the Foreign Office in Bangladesh, within the time limit as required;
- Registering POA with local land registry in your locality in Bangladesh, in order for the POA to be active/valid;
- Search and obtain deeds and related documents for lands/assets in Bangladesh and guide you on how to deal with land disputes in Bangladesh, via our lawyers based there;
- Legalisation of documents such as general power of attorney / authorisation for affairs other than lands / assets. Such as document legalisation which is required by the BHC in London; Conducting asset search in Bangladesh in financial proceedings in family courts in the UK;
- Translation of deeds and other documents including certified translation as maybe required;
- Deal with any legal disputes via our lawyers based in Bangladesh etc.
We help you with your lands issues in Bangladesh, we help you keep your identity.
Contact us: UK Mobile: 0044 (0) 7990 304632 /

Our Office in Bangladesh
Small Claims
Legal Training & Court Preparation
We provide important practical training to newly qualified lawyers, students and in-house legal professionals
How to prepare trial bundles – step by step on what is involved in a trial bundle and how to prepare them including:
Drafting witness statements
Drafting Position statements
Drafting Skeleton argument
Drafting Submissions
Preparing exhibits
Advocacy – step by step on how to conduct yourself in court and be a confident advocate.
Private Investigation & Process Server
Private Investigation/ People Finder:
Our ‘no find, no fee guarantee’ is a perfect solution for your requirements of tracing people. From tracing your family members, partners for serving legal / court documents, tenants tracing or beneficiaries tracing – we can help.
Who we can trace: Lost Family Members, Tenant Tracing, Debtor Tracing , Legal & Beneficiary. What we provide: Current address of the subject on the date the report we generated.
We use our own internal methods for tracing people as well as third party tracing agents, whom we work with. Our tracing methods or that of our 3rd party agents are fully compliant with the requirements of the Data Protection Act, also abide by the Credit Services Association guidelines. We provide accurate information, fast turnaround, and in many cases we can provide information within 24 hours. Our results are guaranteed or we do not charge any fees.
Our terms customers/ client must agree to: We provide information to a client on the understanding that it is not to be misused in anyway or in breach of any laws what’s so ever. Also it must not breach any court orders, injunctions or any other form of legal documentation or process forbidding any forms of contact with a specific person. If that is the case, the customer/client or any representative may not use our tracing services. Your instruction to us to trace someone is on the understanding that information will not be used in a malicious or illegal manner. You also agree not to visit the address without informing the occupants unless it is a legal requirement for example to serve legal or court papers.
Before progressing your instructions to trace any person (s), please ensure that you agree to our terms. You will be required to sign an agreement before we release any information of the intended subject.
Disclaimer: We will accept no responsibility for the accuracy or entirety of data contained in our databases. We make considerable efforts to make search results as accurate as possible.
By purchasing our tracing/ people finder service, you agree to be held solely responsible if the information you are submitting is found to be incorrect, misleading, false or fraudulent and you understand and agree that we ( Aklima. Bibi or its associate companies), will not be held legally responsible for providing services based on any incorrect, misleading, false or fraudulent information by our customers/ clients or their representatives.
Our Process Serving:
We cover all major cities including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle, even cover small villages across the country. We provide cost effective solution, for urgent same day service or our standard turnaround service. As well as regularly serving divorce petitions, non molestation orders etc, we serve all manner of legal documents. Therefore, whatever requirement you have, we will be able to assist. We provide Affidavits, Certificates and Statements as evidence of our service.
Even if we were unable to serve any documents, we will provide affidavits and statements of our attempts and confirm our what we have done in order to serve these documents. We will also confirm on our statement if there has been deliberate attempt to prevent us from serving any documents by the recipient.
However, as a result of our extensive geographical network of agents, we find that that we are always able to meet client’s requirements.